Use of Personal Information
We will always clarify the purpose of any customer information before it is provided. This information will then be used only within the scope necessary for the purpose initially described.
Disclosure of Personal Information to Contractors & Third Parties
This Website may use the servers of a trusted outsourcing company under a confidentiality agreement for system operating purposes. However, no information will be disclosed to contractors or third parties without the consent of the customer. Please note that exceptions will be made, due to laws and regulations, and personal information may be disclosed without customer consent if requested as part of a formal inquiry from an official public body.
Management and Protection of Personal Information
Our company has created appropriate internal rules and management systems for the Website to ensure that personal information is not lost, altered, or leaked. Strict security measures are in place to ensure customer information is protected against dangerous unauthorized access from both within and outside of the company. Appropriate management is also in effect to ensure personal information is not leaked to the outsourcing companies involved, either.
Management, Addition, Modification and Deletion of Personal Information
Customers may ask to update their registered information, and will be allowed to after confirming that the request is legitimate.
Use of Cookies
Unless otherwise noted, the pages on the Website do not make use of cookies. If cookies will be utilized as part of a useful service for our customers, this will be indicated on the appropriate page.
Revisions to this Policy
We will review and improve the contents of the items above as appropriate for handling the protection of customer information.